In 2009, our scientists made a breakthrough discovery of sterilisation and extraction of BIO-MATRICES from mammalian umbilical cords and applications in cosmeceutical and regenerative medicine. This then led to production of the first batch of P’CELL® powerful key ingredient registered under the trade mark name: H-Stem®.
H-Stem® is the name of P’CELL®’s Stem Cell Activator which treated under aseptic conditions, and is safe to use in skincare products. H-Stem® made P’CELL special because of its 4R’s functions and the scientifically evidence of an exclusive component which contains more than:
- 200 types of growth factors
- 2000 bio-active cell proteins
- 21 types of amino acid
- 55 types of enzymes
- 100 types of natural and medical grade ingredients
P’CELL allows your skin to
Stimulate fibroblast production of collagen
Increase skin firmness, elasticity and make you look younger
Reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, Increase skin vibrancy
Develop a smooth, silkier texture, even skin colours and tones